Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Daredevil and The Diva: A story about life with little people.

There once were two little girls that were just days apart in age, and only 3 years old.  The oldest one (only by 3 days) was a Daredevil, and the youngest one was a Diva.  These two spent all of their days together for 6 months while the Diva's mother went to work.  Daredevil's mother was happy to watch the two little girls and try to keep them from getting into too much trouble. This proved to be a little more difficult than she anticipated, and slightly more trying, but she found it doable just the same.

Each day, the Diva would arrive and try to find ways to compete with Daredevil. She always wanted to find out who was more popular amongst their 3-year-old friends...particularly ONE little friend called 'Addy'....even though they only saw Addy once a week at church.  Everyday Diva would find the fake phone and pretend call Addy.  She would then inform Daredevil that Addy liked only Diva and thought Diva was pretty and NOT Daredevil.  The arguments would ensue about who Addy liked more and invariably ended with Diva asking Daredevil's mother, "Miss Piewson, am I pwetty?''

"Yes dear, you are pretty.'' She would reply.

Diva would then say, "SEE Daredevil, I'm pwetty and you awe not.''

Daredevil would then say, with determined eyebrows, "I am TOO pretty and Addy likes me BEST!"

Despite the fact that they had discussed this very important issue many many times before, it happened every day. No...really...EVERY day.

So after they had the 'Addy argument', Daredevil would come up with some scheme to get into something they shouldn't the bag of sugar, or her older brother's microscope kit, but usually it involved food of some sort.  She would wait until her mother had to go to the bathroom or a phone call came in and then she would whisper quickly to Diva, "Come on! Help me move this chair over so I can climb up on the counter and get into something before my mom comes back!"

The two 3 year olds would giggle to themselves and Diva would keep watch while Daredevil scaled the counter tops and cupboards to find the 'treasures' hidden up there.  They would then hide under the table or mini trampoline and eat all of the chocolate chips, or sugar, or sunchips, or cookies, or whatever thing Daredevil found. Then they would blame each other for who actually did the stealing of the goodies...only Daredevil's mother knew that only Daredevil could have gotten to such hidden items so quickly.

Once in a while Daredevil would challenge Diva.

"I'm going to be to the car first.'' Daredevil would say.

Diva would respond by crying out, "No Daredevil! Wait for me...MISS PIEWSON!!! Daredevil isn't waiting for me!!!''

So then Daredevil would come running back and hit Diva and say "Be quiet!"

So then Diva would cry and say, "I hate you Daredevil, you are NOT pwetty and I DON'T like your SHOES!''

Then Daredevil would say, "I don't care, they are nice, they have butterflies. Hurry, lets beat my mom!''

The two would giggle and race to the car and then say, "Haha! We beat you to the car!" when the mom arrived at the vehicle.

Daredevil's mother would sigh and just be glad they were on the same team for a few minutes until one got their seatbelt on faster than the other. Then the crying and arguing over who was faster would begin...
"Am I fast??''
"Yes dear you are fast.''
"Mom! Am I fast too?''
"Yes dear you are fast too."
"But I'm fast!"
"No I'm fast!
"Yes you are BOTH fast, now be quiet, I have to listen the radio...or...for cars or something."

--Dramatic pause while calculating a response--then a slight raise of the eyebrows on Daredevil's face as she comes up with the perfect response to determine the outcome of the 'who's better' battle...

"Diva, ---I'm Addy's friend."

Gasp!  "No you aren't Daredevil, I am Addy's friend and I am fast and she likes me and not you"

"She likes us both! MOM, Does Addy like us both?''

Deep breaths....deep, deep, cleansing breaths....

Thank you for tuning in.  That concludes this episode of "The Daredevil and The Diva", tune in next time for the exact same episode on repeat. Everyday. For 3 more months.

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