Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Most Boring Post Ever.

Today is as good a day as any to blog again. I figure I really have nothing of importance to say, just a few commentaries on life, so no rush. I hope you all don't mind if I abstain from telling you of my every waking moment. That's what Facebook is for I suppose.
Anyway, I have been pondering a few things lately.  Wondering if I have gleaned any really good wisdom or insight into anything of relative value. I decided I have not. In fact I'm not so passionate about really anything. It seems like I need something to really strike me as funny, or really make me mad, or really be intriguing for me to find reason enough to blog. I am not so moved lately. Do you think that means I am just boring?  Allow me to take you on my brainstorming journey. Perhaps you can help me decide what is most interesting to read about and I will then feel motivated to write about it. Here are some ideas for topics in random order:

1. The Diva is back at my house...they have managed to run away and get lost for a very scary 10 minutes, she refuses to eat tuna fish sandwiches or call Andy by his real name regardless of how many times we tell her its not 'Danny', and she and Daredevil are back to the competition and silliness. The Daredevil constantly has marker on her face or hands or body (or my walls) somewhere because no matter how many times I throw away markers, they reproduce like rabbits and find a way into her hands.  I want brownies.

2.  We spent Spring Break in Billings at an indoor water park. So. Much. Fun. Plus I am proud of myself that I stayed at a hotel and didn't completely freak out about sleeping in a bed that who knows how many people before me slept in and did who knows what. Not to mention the paranoia I have about bedbugs and other disgusting creatures that tend to lurk in such places.

3.   No matter how many Zumba classes or eat-only-spinach days I have, I am not losing weight. I think I will buy a rowing machine. I like those.

4.  I might be developing an addiction to books, and my new Nook makes it WAY too easy to buy the next in the series with the click of a button.  Greg says I will need to go on rations or start budgeting ONLY 2 a month or something.  And, WHY CAN'T YOU SHARE BOOKS!? They said we would be able to lend and share, but no books actually COME with that feature. Very irritating. Unless you want to borrow the bible.

Well sadly, that's all I've got.  I shall post this and hope for something better next time :)


  1. I think you should get a rowing machine and then paint a mural of the ocean around you.

  2. Dude...I will buy your house and stick it in James' old room. All set. Then I can row with Nemo and Dori and beat them through the Jellies.

  3. So proud of the hotel in Billings. You are an amazing woman. Enjoy those two cute little girls!
