Wednesday, December 29, 2010


So I thought I would update and let you know that I am in fact still alive after the trip to Costco. . .just in case you were worried. I was.
So I decided to take just the 4 little ones and leave the two older boys home. Turns out that was a brilliant idea since I got many, many, many inquiries as to whether ALL FOUR girls were in fact mine. I could only claim that the little blond one wasn't mine, but I can only imagine the looks and questions I would have gotten if I had brought the boys too.  I think it helped that they were wearing new Christmas outfits and their hair was relatively neat. The other day I went out to Costco and all of us were in ragged clothes looking like a bunch of hooligans and people were avoiding us and giving me dirty looks for 'overpopulating' the world. I'm sure they were thinking that if I can't clothe them properly, then I shouldn't have had them...what those people might not understand though, is that parents rarely have much control over what their children choose to wear out in public. Therefore, MY girls can often be seen in public wearing their favorite shirt which they refuse to give up to the 'hand-me-down' cause...often the shirt is 3 sizes too small. They actually DO own clothes that fit...they just can't stand to see their younger sisters wearing their favorite shirt so it remains 'just fine mom!' and 'it fits perfect' for far too long.
Anyway, I digress.
So I made it to Costco and back, and managed to remember to buy the TP...which is really good because we were completely out...
Till the next time, I better stop blogging for today lest it looks like I haven't actually DONE anything but type on my computer while my dear husband has been slaving away at his tedious job.
Next installment to be made when something noteworthy pops up. . . or I'm just really bored...but I promise to make it sound like it was a LOT of work...that way you can be impressed and I will have a good excuse for not having the 700 pieces of Mr Potato Head picked up off the living room floor.
Till then... :)

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