Friday, December 31, 2010

Two days down...

So yesterday was day 2 of having the 'extras'.  I must admit it was a little chaotic. It was all of 5 degrees for a high yesterday, so going outside to play was not an option. After all the games had been exhausted, and the natives started getting restless...we decided to change venues and go to the 'extras' house for a few hours.  This turned out to be a pretty good idea if you ignore the fact that my 3 year old came up from the downstairs in tears because the 6 year olds had locked her up in a box...I think therapy later will end up cheaper than a nanny least I'm hoping so.  I was the youngest once and it is a hazardous role, but if she can just make it past 12, the sailing gets a lot smoother...just 9 years to go....
On the way home from the 'extras' house, the snow-covered icy road turned out to be more treacherous than normal. While we were innocently waiting at a stop sign to turn left, a college boy in his daddy's truck got distracted by some deer that were 'playing' on the side of the road...he slammed on his brakes and slid right into us.  No one was hurt, but my bumper was cracked and the poor kid had to call his mom to confess that he crashed his dad's truck because the deer DO actually 'play'...just like in the song.  The antelope were off on another range I guess.
So today my husband has the day off as it is New Years Eve. As was expected, it is 8:30 am and he is in the garage 'fixing his truck'....tonight he is signed up for voluntary patrol with the sheriff's office.  I think is speaks volumes about the difference between men and women that he is willing to put himself in mortal danger on a very drunken night over staying in a house full of 6 kids.  So....I will be needing some ideas about how to entertain 6 children under the age of 9 till midnight...which I am certain they will be successful at staying up to see.  I have a bottle of sparkling cider, but I'm thinking I need to take a trip to Target for a deck of cards and some Advil.  I'm kidding, I rarely get any rate, any time-killing-activities suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Really.
I'm off to make the chocolate chip pancakes Greg promised the kids he would make if they would just 'go to sleep' at 9:30 last night. Oh wait!...he just walked in...he is frozen solid, but the truck is fixed and now I don't have to cook. Hooray for a second adult...


  1. Okay, first of all, you crack me up! But I'm just about as crazy as you and sounds like something I would totally sign myself up for! So as far as ideas...I was thinking maybe, making your own noise makers and decorations, but I found this website with lots more fun ideas
    I'm looking forward to an update on how things went! Have fun and Happy New Years!

  2. OOOOOoooh! Thank you Maria. I will be checking into this site. Noise makers...I think you ARE as crazy as me. haha

  3. I'm going with hats, noise makers, and balloons. This will be a memorable New Years :)

  4. change all the clocks to be ahead by two hours and don't turn on the tv

  5. Brilliant. Why didn't I check this earlier?
