Saturday, January 1, 2011

Good Morning!

So I'm only mostly awake.  I know we made it to midnight, and drank our cider, but past 12:27am- when they all finally quieted down- its a blur. I am going to guess that is about the time I fogged out.  I vaguely remember hearing the sheriff come home (3am?), but other than that I must have slept sound. Overall, it was a successful evening of noise making and silly hat wearing....minus the oldest and the youngest....who were either asleep or too cool for school to participate.
It seems like I would have some great ideas of something I could do to get out of the house and have a little 'mom' time today...but I am coming up empty.  I am secretly wishing I had a good book to read.  I think its funny that my husband gets jealous of books. Admittedly I do get quite wrapped up in the good ones...but I think he's afraid I'm falling in love with some hero to which he could never compare. . . for instance Edward Cullen, or Harry Potter. The Harry Potter one makes me laugh because he used to call him my ''boyfriend Harry'', that I would leave him for two weeks for while I was reading. That's typically how long it took me to read one of the huge Harry Potter novels...but anyone who has actually READ Harry Potter knows how ridiculous the notion of me falling in love with him is...Harry Potter was a little kid....I do kind of wish I had Ginny Weasley's amazing red hair, but I don't think that counts.  Regardless of what he wants to believe, I think there's nothing wrong with a little healthy competition.. right? Or at least letting him believe he just might have some...
Jillian wrote me a letter today...she somehow knew I would 'over induldge' for the holidays and sent me a pep-talk for getting 'back on the weight-loss wagon'. Its like she knows me....she's watching.  I thought it was just a generic news letter that I signed up for, but it's eerily in line with the way I operate.  I think she's like Santa Claus...''she knows when you are eating, she knows when you've had cake, she know its not really Costco's fault, just exercise for goodness sake.''  I won't tell her that I got a copy of her new ''6 pack in 6 weeks'' dvd...I'm going to hold her to it though. I don't think she can turn MY abs into a 6 pack in 6 weeks...perhaps that is a good New Years challenge I will report on with my blog. out with Jillian everyday for 6 weeks. We'll see if she is a liar or not. I wonder what sort of recourse I might have if I don't get my 6 pack abs...I will have to ponder this....I welcome any ideas on what I can do to Jillian Micheals if I still look pregnant after six weeks of torture with her...

1 comment:

  1. I have a whole list of good books to give you! I'll email you :) Too long to type it all here. Ernie and I have a Kindle now that we "share" (i.e. it's mine).
