Sunday, January 9, 2011

Family cup runneth over.

I am very proud of my husband today. Yesterday he went and took a physical test for law enforcement and passed with flying colors. He was nervous because he hasn't done anything like that for so long, but I knew he had nothing to worry about.  It was good to see him beaming when he got home. Thanks to a gift card we got as a 'thank you' from the parents of 'the extras', we went out and celebrated at a local pizza joint.  What is it about a man in uniform doing heroic athletic things?
Before I forget, I want to tell you that I am still sick, but am starting to feel a bit more energy coming back. I can't wait to start working out again. I know I seem like a slacker because I haven't just dived in with Jillian, but I was sick. I have a good excuse. And I'm sticking to that...
Okay so recently we got Netflix through our Wii console...which doesnt actually work for anything else ever since our 3 year old shoved about 8 movies into it at once...but we have been downloading movies and tv shows like crazy.  It is amazing what old programs you can watch every episode of...and old movies.  I recently introduced my kids to the awesomeness that is the Karate Kid trilogy.  I forgot how good those movies actually are. My kids are now perfecting their 'crouching crane' move while trying to balance on top of their toy box.  Its amazing to me that the movies have the same effect on my kids that they had on me.  Pretty soon they will be wanting to meticulously clip a bonzai tree of their own and want one of those drum thingies to twist in perfect rhythm.
Oh yes, and they have discovered He Man and She Ra....what a wholesome little show that was. I love it. Now my girls know that they can ALWAYS raise their swords 'for the honor of greyskull'....I am so proud.


  1. My sister-in-law babysat some kids who stuck 8 yahtzee tokens into her Wii. We could hear them shaking around in there and had to order a special "Y" screwdiver online to get the Wii open, but my brother was able to perform a successful Wii surgery and it works again.

  2. Congrats to Greg!! That's awesome! We actually shut the Netflix off on the Xbox b/c it's in the playroom and the kids could surf Netflix for anything new... which meant they could view all sorts of movie covers and titles that I found basically pornographic. Then we got our Blu-ray and it's perfect b/c we can use Netflix again, but you can only access what's in the instant queue. WooHoo! (My kids discovered lots of old vintage Christmas shows last month).

  3. Hooray for your blog and for Greg and his fitness. You need to watch Felicity on Netflix. Karate Kid is one of my favorites. Chad actually gave me the soundtrack when were were dating. He found it in Switzerland or something. One of the many reasons, I knew he was a keeper. He literally went to the end of the Earth to find it for me. You can borrow it anytime. Anyway, keep blogging and have fun with Jilly. She can be a great friend.

  4. Cherie, yes...that stupid special screwdriver tip lol...I guess they want a market on performing Wii surgery...hey that could be a fun game for young aspiring doctors...I may pitch that one.
    Rebecca, we just made our settings to PG 13 and probs now.
    Julie--Felicity...I will check it out...and tell Chad he is welcome to hang out with Greg ANYtime...:)
